Controversy reigns in Kildare football Championship


Moorefield’s defeat of Celbridge in the Kildare SFC on Saturday last has been shrouded in controversy after a statistical analysis showed a clearly lopsided pattern in officiating of the game in favour of the Newbridge side.

Data obtained by this website (available on twitter and Kildare Gaa forums) revealed:

Total Frees: 48; Moorefield 35-Celbridge 13

Following the first water break, 11 frees were awarded – the first to Celebridge, the remainder to Moorefield

After the second half water break, seven frees were awarded, the first to Celebridge, all those thereafter to those in white and green.

On more than one occasion during the game, Celbridge had built up multiple point leads only for their opponents to be consecutively awarded the exact number of frees required to bring them back to parity while at the same they were repeatedly penalised whilst in advanced positions of attack.

Throughout the course of the game, the club of Kildare greats Seamus ‘Sos’ Dowling and Ronan Sweeney were awarded a total of 14 scoreable frees – of which they converted 10 – while their opponents were the recipients of three such opportunities, all of which they scored. Further investigations have revealed some interesting information regarding the outcome of games in certain circumstances. A search on Twitter revealed some developments which might raise some eyebrows but, having initially published same have removed them following further developments.

In what could be a potentially massive development in relation to the prospects of Jack O’Connor’s Kildare side, Boylan Talks Sport understands that the Celbridge club’s contingent of senior county panel members, including Paddy Brophy (pictured) have, as of last night, withdrawn their services.

Paddy Brophy (Celbridge)

While it seems unlikely there will be any recourse in relation to the game itself, this affair may have a bit to run yet as it has got tongues wagging within the Shortgrass County and beyond as can be seen by the volume of conjecture relating to same on the link to the Kildare GAA Fans Forum posted below. Watch this space…


This information has been retrieved from public forums by third parties. The author had no knowledge of or information on these events prior to being contacted. Any information contained herein was presented to the author as verified fact when initial contact was initiated by sources seeking the publication of information contained herein.

2 thoughts on “Controversy reigns in Kildare football Championship

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  1. I have felt for a long time that some referee’s may be betting on the outcome of garlic games throughout the country and are in a position to influence the result of such matches.

  2. Maybe you might like to take a much closer look at that website you’re obviously referring to, the hatred for the Newbridge teams is palpable, no surprise this witch hunt had its origins within, why don’t you go look at the said game and tell us how many of the frees were not actually frees, just because the free count can be lopsided isn’t an automatic endictment of ref bias.

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